Math Problem: Hollywood’s Best in Numbers: Emmy Winner Ages Challenge

The Emmy Awards celebrate outstanding achievements in television, drawing global attention to the stars and creators behind the screen. After the awards ceremony, a journalist decides to analyze the ages of the winners in the Best Actor category over the last five years to explore patterns in their demographics. Using this data, you’re asked to calculate key statistical measures to gain deeper insights into the winners’ ages.

Word Problem

The ages (in years) of the last five winners of the Emmy Award for Best Actor are: 45, 38, 42, 45, and 50. To interpret this data, calculate the mean, median, and mode of their ages.

Question: What are the mean, median, and mode of the ages of the Emmy winners?

A) Mean: 44 years, Median: 45 years, Mode: 45 years
B) Mean: 45 years, Median: 45 years, Mode: 42 years
C) Mean: 44 years, Median: 42 years, Mode: 45 years
D) Mean: 45 years, Median: 44 years, Mode: 45 years

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