Math Problem: Hulu, Netflix, or Disney+: Who’s the Fan Favorite?

Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ have become household names in the entertainment industry, with millions of users rating their favorite shows and movies online. A recent survey collected movie ratings from 500 people across these platforms, asking users to rate the movies on a scale of 1 to 5. The data provides valuable insights into the changing trends of audience preferences and the popularity of different genres. By analyzing the ratings, we can determine which platform performs the best in satisfying its viewers.

Word Problem

The survey results are summarized in the table below:

PlatformTotal Ratings CollectedAverage Rating (Scale: 1–5)

Based on these ratings:

  1. Netflix has 120 users rating it a 4 or higher.
  2. Hulu has 90 users rating it a 4 or higher.
  3. Disney+ has 130 users rating it a 4 or higher.
Question: Which platform has the highest percentage of users giving a rating of 4 or higher?

A) Netflix
B) Hulu
C) Disney+
D) All have the same percentage

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