CAT Quant Percentages – Important Formulas and Concepts

Meaning and Definition

  • Percent literally means “for every 100”.
  • It is one of the simplest tool for comparison of data.
  • Any percentage can be expressed as a decimal fraction by dividing the percentage figure by 100 and conversely, any decimal fraction can be converted to percentage by multiplying it by 100.

Importance of Base / Denominator

  • The most crucial aspect of percentage is the denominator which in other words is also called the base value of the percentage.

Percentage Change

  • Also known as Percentage Increase / Decrease of a quantity, it is the ratio expressed in percentage of the actual increase or decrease or decrease of the quantity to the original amount of the quantity. $$Percentage \ Change = \frac{Absolute \ Value \ Change}{Original \ Quantity}*100$$ $$Percentage \ Increase \ / \ Decrease = \frac{Absolute \ Value \ Increase \ / \ Decrease}{Original \ Quantity} * 100$$
  • Note – The base used for the sake of Percentage Change calculations is always the original quantity unless otherwise stated.
  • In general, if the percentage increase is p%, then the new value is – $$New \ Value = {\LARGE [} \frac{P}{100} + 1 {\LARGE ]}$$
  • In general, if the new value is “k” times the old value, then the percentage increase is – $$Percentage \ Increase = [k – 1]*100$$
  • Three different cases of Percentage Increase / Decrease –
    • If the value of an item goes up/down by x%, the percentage reduction/increment to be now made to bring it back to the original level is – $${\LARGE [} \frac{100x}{100 \pm x}{\LARGE ]} {\%}$$
    • If A is x% more/less then B, then B is what percent less/more than A is calculated as – $${\LARGE [} \frac{100x}{100 \pm x}{\LARGE ]} {\%}$$
    • IF the price of an item goes up/down by x%, then the quantity consumed should be reduced/increased by what percentage so that the total expenditure remains the same – $${\LARGE [} \frac{100x}{100 \pm x}{\LARGE ]} {\%}$$

Successive Change

  • If there are successive increases / decrease of p%, q% and r% in three stages, the effective percentage increase is – $${\LARGE [} {\LARGE (} \frac{100+p}{100} {\LARGE )} {\LARGE (} \frac{100+q}{100} {\LARGE )} {\LARGE (} \frac{100+r}{100}{\LARGE )} – 1 {\LARGE ]}$$ If one or more of p, q, and r are decrease percentage figures, then it will be taken as a negative figure and not as a positive figure.
  • Another method , If 1st change = a% and 2nd Change = b% then, $$Overall \ \% \ Change = a + b + \frac{ab}{100}$$

Difference between Percentage Point Change and Percentage Change

  • The difference is illustrated through an example –
    • Percentage Point Change – 30% – 25% = 5% points
    • Percentage Change – [(30 – 25) / 25 ]*100 = 20%

Multiplying Factor

  • We use multiplying Factor whenever there is a % percent increase / decrease – $$MF \ [Multiplying \ Factor] = \frac{100 \pm r}{100}$$ where, r = % change [% increase(+) % decrease(+)]
  • $$\% Change \ (r) = \frac{Final \ Value \ (FV) – Initial \ Value \ (IV)}{Initial \ Value \ (IV)} * 100$$
  • $$FV = IV * MF \\ Final \ Value = Initial \ Value * Multiplying \ Factor$$


  • $$A \ is \ what \ \% \ of \ B(base) = {\LARGE[} \frac{A}{B} * 100{\LARGE]}$$
  • $$A \ is \ what \ \% \ more \ than \ B(base) = {\LARGE[} \frac{A-B}{B} * 100{\LARGE]}$$
  • $$B \ is \ what \ \% \ less \ than \ A(base) = {\LARGE[} \frac{A-B}{A} * 100{\LARGE]}$$

Product Consistency Table

Product XY is ConstantX increases (%)Y decreases (%)
X is inversely proportional to YX increases (%)Y decreases (%)
Ratio Change effect of Denominator Change Denominator Increases (%)Ratio Decreases (%)
Denominator Change effect of Ratio ChangeRatio Increases (%)Denominator decreases (%)
$$Standard \ Value \ 1$$$$5$$$$4.76$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 2$$$$9.09$$$$8.33$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 3$$$$10$$$$9.09$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 4$$$$11.11$$$$10$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 5$$$$12.5$$$$11.11$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 6$$$$14.28$$$$12.5$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 7$$$$16.66$$$$14.28$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 8$$$$20$$$$16.66$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 9$$$$25$$$$20$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 10$$$$33.33$$$$25$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 11$$$$40$$$$28.57$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 12$$$$50$$$$33.33
$$Standard \ Value \ 13$$$$60$$$$37.5$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 14$$$$66.66$$$$40$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 15$$$$75$$$$42.85$$
$$Standard \ Value \ 16$$$$100$$$$50$$
These are short and easy approach for quick percentage change calculations.
  • Examples –
    • The selling price of a biscuit is decreased by 20%. The current price is 100. By what percent should the new price be increased to bring it back to the original price. $$ 25 \% \ – [using \ standard \ value \ 9]$$
    • If the price of milk goes up by 10%, then what should be the percentage decrease in the quantity consumed so that the total expenditure on tea remains the same. $$9.09 \% \ – [using \ standard \ value \ 3]$$

Percentage to Fraction Conversion Table

6.25 % = \( \frac{1}{16} \)11.11 % = \( \frac{1}{9} \)9.09 % = \( \frac{1}{11} \)7.14 % = \( \frac{1}{14} \)8.33 % = \( \frac{1}{12} \)
12.50 % = \( \frac{2}{16} \)22.22 % = \( \frac{2}{9} \)18.18 % = \( \frac{2}{11} \)14.28 % = \( \frac{2}{14} \)16.66 % = \( \frac{2}{12} \)
18.75 % = \( \frac{3}{16} \)33.33 % = \( \frac{3}{9} \)27.27 % = \( \frac{3}{11} \)28.56 % = \( \frac{3}{14} \)25 % = \( \frac{3}{12} \)
and so on and so onand so onand so onand so on
20 % = \( \frac{1}{5} \)25 % = \( \frac{1}{4} \)
40 % = \( \frac{2}{5} \)50 % = \( \frac{2}{4} \)
60 % = \( \frac{3}{5} \)75 % = \( \frac{3}{4} \)
80 % = \( \frac{4}{5} \)100 % = 1

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