Aptitude Questions on Decision Making

Decision Making Concepts

Q. 1 A tech firm has to decide between acquiring a small innovative startup or expanding its in-house research team. If the market demands immediate innovation, what is the better choice?

a) Acquire the startup
b) Expand the research team
c) Do both simultaneously
d) Ignore the demand

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Ans: a) Acquire the startup

Acquiring the startup allows the firm to quickly meet the market demand.

Q. 2 A company is considering hiring one of two candidates for a manager position. Candidate A has 7 years of experience in management and strong leadership skills. Candidate B has 5 years of experience and excellent technical expertise. If the company’s priority is technical development, who should they hire?

a) Candidate A
b) Candidate B
c) None
d) Either

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Ans: b) Candidate B

Since the priority is technical development, Candidate B with excellent technical expertise is the better choice.

Q. 3 A factory has to deliver an urgent order. The manager can either authorize overtime for employees (costs extra) or delay other non-urgent projects to meet the deadline. If the penalty for late delivery is high, what should the manager decide?

a) Authorize overtime
b) Delay non-urgent projects
c) Split the work across both methods
d) Cancel the urgent order

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Ans: a) Authorize overtime

To avoid high penalties, overtime should be authorized despite extra costs.

Q. 4 A startup needs to cut costs immediately to survive. The options are: reducing salaries across the board or laying off 10% of its employees. Which decision is better for morale and long-term growth?

a) Reduce salaries
b) Lay off 10%
c) Close the startup
d) Seek external funding

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Ans: a) Reduce salaries

Reducing salaries ensures all employees remain employed, which supports long-term growth and morale.

Q. 5 A city faces water scarcity. The government proposes two plans: Plan A involves building desalination plants (long-term solution), and Plan B involves water rationing (short-term relief). If the city can only fund one plan, which should they choose?

a) Plan A
b) Plan B
c) Both
d) Neither

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Ans: a) Plan A

Plan A addresses the root cause of scarcity, providing a sustainable solution.

Q. 6 A team is facing a conflict regarding project design. Two senior engineers have different opinions, and the deadline is approaching. What should the manager do?

a) Choose one design randomly
b) Postpone the project
c) Facilitate a consensus-building meeting
d) Let the engineers decide independently

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Ans: c) Facilitate a consensus-building meeting

Facilitating a consensus ensures better collaboration and quality decisions.

Q. 7 A retail store is deciding whether to open a new branch. The data suggests higher footfall in urban areas but higher profit margins in rural areas. If the priority is profitability, what should they decide?

a) Open in an urban area
b) Open in a rural area
c) Do not open any branch
d) Split resources across both

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Ans: b) Open in a rural area

Higher profit margins align with the goal of maximizing profitability.

Q. 8 A company has to choose between investing in product innovation or marketing. If customer satisfaction is already high, which is the better choice?

a) Product innovation
b) Marketing
c) Both
d) Neither

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Ans: b) Marketing

Marketing is better to capitalize on current customer satisfaction and expand the market.

Q. 9 A school has a fixed budget to upgrade either its library or sports facilities. If the students’ academic performance is declining, what should the administration prioritize?

a) Upgrade the library
b) Upgrade sports facilities
c) Divide the budget equally
d) Defer the decision

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Ans: a) Upgrade the library

To address academic performance, upgrading the library is the logical choice.

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