Aptitude Questions on Data Sufficiency (Reasoning based)
Welcome to our practice page dedicated to helping you ace Data Sufficiency (Reasoning based) questions for placement aptitude tests! This page is packed with carefully crafted questions designed to build your skills in solving a range of questions. Practice, review solutions, and keep challenging yourself. With consistent practice, you’ll develop a solid foundation to handle any Data Sufficiency (Reasoning based) problem that comes your way!
Each question below consists of a question followed by two statements. You must determine if the information in the statements is sufficient to answer the question. Mark your answer as:
(A) If statement 1 alone is sufficient but statement 2 alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement 2 alone is sufficient but statement 1 alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither statement alone is sufficient.
(D) If either statement alone is sufficient.
(E) If both statements together are not sufficient.
Q. 1 The four friends—A, B, C, and D—often debate about their ages during their gatherings. Who among A, B, C, and D is the oldest?
A is older than B and C but younger than D.
D is older than A.
Check Solution
Ans: (B)
Statement 1: A is older than B and C but younger than D.
This does not conclusively tell us who is the oldest. Not sufficient.
Statement 2: D is older than A.
Since D is explicitly stated to be older than A (and A is older than B and C per statement 1), D is the oldest. Sufficient.
Q. 2 During a height comparison game at a park, X and Y decided to settle the question: Is X taller than Y?
X is taller than Z.
Z is shorter than Y.
Check Solution
Ans: (C)
Statement 1: X is taller than Z.
No comparison between X and Y. Not sufficient.
Statement 2: Z is shorter than Y.
No comparison between X and Y. Not sufficient.
Combining both: If X is taller than Z and Z is shorter than Y, X must be taller than Y. Sufficient together.
Q. 3 In a social gathering, many wondered: Is John married?
John wears a wedding ring.
John refers to someone as “my spouse.”
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Ans: (D)
Statement 1: A wedding ring strongly indicates marriage. Sufficient.
Statement 2: Referring to someone as a spouse confirms marriage. Sufficient.
Either statement alone is sufficient. Answer: D.
Q. 4 Does P live in the same city as Q?
P and Q work in the same company located in the city.
P and Q are seen together daily in the city.
Check Solution
Ans: (C)
Statement 1: They work in the same company in the city but does not confirm they live there. Not sufficient.
Statement 2: Being seen daily in the city does not necessarily mean they live there. Not sufficient.
Combining both: Working and being seen together daily strongly imply they live in the same city. Sufficient together.
Q. 5 R’s neighbours often wonder: Does R have a dog?
R buys dog food regularly.
R takes a dog for a walk every morning.
Check Solution
Ans: (D)
Statement 1: Buying dog food suggests owning a dog. Sufficient.
Statement 2: Walking a dog indicates ownership. Sufficient.
Either statement alone is sufficient. Answer: D.
Q. 6 M’s role at the local school has intrigued many parents. Is M a teacher?
M works at a school.
M teaches classes regularly.
Check Solution
Ans: (B)
Statement 1: Working at a school does not confirm being a teacher (could be staff or admin). Not sufficient.
Statement 2: Teaching classes confirms M is a teacher. Sufficient.
Q. 7 Can Paul speak French?
Paul attended a French language course.
Paul converses fluently with native French speakers.
Check Solution
Ans: (B)
Statement 1: Attending a course does not confirm fluency. Not sufficient.
Statement 2: Conversing fluently confirms ability to speak French. Sufficient.
Q. 8 Are all the employees in the office wearing formal attire?
Everyone at today’s meeting was in formal attire.
Formal attire is mandatory in the office.
Check Solution
Ans: (B)
Statement 1: Only specifies the meeting, not the entire office. Not sufficient.
Statement 2: If formal attire is mandatory, all employees must wear it. Sufficient.
Q. 9 Is X the manager of the team?
X assigns tasks to all team members.
X approves leave requests for the team.
Check Solution
Ans: (C)
Statement 1: Assigning tasks does not confirm managerial status. Not sufficient.
Statement 2: Approving leave requests does not alone confirm managerial status. Not sufficient.
Combining both: Assigning tasks and approving leaves strongly suggest X is the manager. Sufficient together.
Q. 10 Is Z older than W?
Z was born before X, and X is older than W.
Z and W have a three-year age difference.
Check Solution
Ans: (A)
Statement 1: If Z is older than X and X is older than W, Z is older than W. Sufficient.
Statement 2: A three-year age difference does not specify who is older. Not sufficient.
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