Coding Decoding: Reasoning Questions with Answers – Free Practice!

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Coding Decoding Concepts

Q. 1 In a mystical land, a secret tribe communicates using a unique code. If DRAGON is coded as GUDJRP. How will TIGER be coded in the same language?
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Observe the pattern in coding:

D → G (+3), R → U (+3), A → D (+3), G → J (+3), O → R (+3), N → P (+3).
Thus, each letter is shifted +3 positions forward in the alphabet.

T → W, I → L, G → J, E → H, R → U.

Q. 2 An old manuscript reveals a numerical code where SUGAR is written as 71913, and SALTS as 71320. Using the same code pattern, how would the word GRAIN be translated?
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Ans: A) 93171

The code is derived from assigning specific numbers to letters:
S = 7, U = 1, G = 9, A = 1, R = 3.
Similarly, for GRAIN:
G = 9, R = 3, A = 1, I = 7, N = 1.

Q. 3 A spy agency uses a special coding method for confidentiality. If the word MIRROR is written as 123345 and ERROR is written as 34545, how would they encode the word RIMMER?
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Ans: B) 321435

From the given codes:
M = 1, I = 2, R = 3, O = 4.
Thus, RIMMER = 321135.

Q. 4 In a magical puzzle book, words are reversed to create a code. For instance, APPLE becomes ELPPA, and TABLE becomes ELBAT. Using the same trick, how would the word CHAIR appear in this code?
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The letters are reversed in order.
Thus, CHAIR becomes RIAHC.

Q. 5 In a certain language, BRIDGE is coded as TIRCVQ. How will GARDEN be coded?
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Each letter is replaced as follows:

B → T, R → I, I → R, D → C, G → V, E → Q.

G → V, A → T, R → I, D → C, E → Q, N → M.

Q. 6 A puzzle club assigns unique codes to animals. For instance, DOG is represented as 415, and CAT as 312. What code would they assign to BAT?
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Ans: A) 213

The code corresponds to the position of each letter in the alphabet:

D = 4, O = 15, G = 7 → DOG = 415.

B = 2, A = 1, T = 20 → BAT = 213.

Q. 7 In a certain code, FISH is written as 7648, and BOAT is written as 4529. What is the code for SOFA?
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Ans: a) 8415

From the given codes:
F = 7, I = 6, S = 4, H = 8, B = 4, O = 5, A = 2, T = 9.
For SOFA: S = 4, O = 5, F = 7, A = 2.

Q. 8 In an enchanted diary, words are turned into numbers. For example, CLOUD is written as 34521, and SPOUT as 67890. What number would represent COLD in this magical diary?
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Ans: A) 3481

Mapping letters to numbers:
C = 3, L = 4, O = 5, U = 2, D = 1.
Thus, COLD = 3451.

Q. 9 A group of forest animals has invented their own secret language. In this code, LION is written as PLRM. Following the same rules, how would they encode the word BEAR?
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Ans: A) FIOV

The coding rule shifts letters as follows:

L → P (+4), I → L (+3), O → R (+4), N → M (+3).

B → F (+4), E → I (+3), A → P (+4), R → V (+3)

Q. 10 If ROAD is written as WTEG, and LAND is written as OEPG, how will HAND be written?
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Ans: C) MEPG

Each letter shifts alternately by +3 and +2:

R → W (+5), O → T (+5), A → E (+4), D → G (+3).

H → M (+5), A → E (+4), N → P (+5), D → G (+3).

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Q. 11 If RDGSE is coded as SEHTF, then what will be QONUP coded as?
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Ans: A)

Every alphabet is increased by 1

Q. 12 If LEVGE is coded as NGXIG, then what will be GQHET coded as?
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Ans: D)

Every alphabet is increased by 2

Q. 13 If VVFTE is coded as ETFVV, then what will be PQOKM coded as?
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Ans: A)

Alphabets have been swapped around centre position. So 1st letter is exchanged with 5th; and 2nd is exchanged with 4th letter

Q. 14 If KUIUP is coded as JTHVR, then what will be FQKUP coded as?
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Ans: C)

First alphabet is changed by -1
Second alphabet is changed by -1
Third alphabet is changed by -1
Fourth alphabet is changed by 1
And fifth alphabet is changed by 2

Q. 15 If RKKKU is coded as TJKLS, then what will be PRPGJ coded as?
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Ans: B)

First alphabet is changed by 2
Second alphabet is changed by -1
Third alphabet is changed by 0
Fourth alphabet is changed by 1
And fifth alphabet is changed by -2

Q. 16 If LONSL is coded as LOPTM, then what will be JKONL coded as?
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Ans: A)

First alphabet is changed by 0
Second alphabet is changed by 0
Third alphabet is changed by 2
Fourth alphabet is changed by 1
And fifth alphabet is changed by 1

Q. 17 If JLWTD is coded as EUXMK, then what will be REKSQ coded as?
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Ans: C)

Alphabets have been increased by 1 and then swapped around centre position.

Q. 18 If VDRDJ is coded as ICQCU, then what will be WHPUQ coded as?
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Ans: B)

Alphabets have been decreased by 1 and then swapped around centre position.

Q. 19 If ROTSF is coded as 619201518, then what will be ZOHAK coded as?
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Ans: A

There are two operations here:
First: Every alphabet has been swapped around center position
Second: Output is then converted to it’s numerical value as per it’s position in alphabet series

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