Para Jumbles (Sentence Re-arrangement) – Verbal Ability

Parajumbles, or sentence rearrangement questions, are a common feature in the verbal ability section of aptitude tests. In this question type, a set of sentences are provided in a jumbled order, and the objective is to arrange them logically to form a coherent, meaningful paragraph.

These questions test a student’s ability to understand the logical flow of information and to identify connections between sentences based on context, tone, and theme. Effective strategies can make it easier to spot logical links and arrange sentences accurately.

What Are Parajumbles?

In Parajumble questions, you are given a set of four to six sentences (usually labeled as A, B, C, D, etc.) that form a meaningful paragraph when arranged in the correct order. However, they are provided out of sequence, and you must identify the correct order based on logical relationships between them.

Skills Required to Solve Parajumbles

  1. Understanding Context: Comprehend the main theme or topic of the sentences to identify how each one fits within the overall paragraph.
  2. Recognizing Logical Flow: Understand how ideas logically flow from one sentence to another, identifying cause-effect, general-specific, or question-answer relationships.
  3. Identifying Connectors: Look for keywords, linking words, or transitions that indicate relationships, such as contrast, sequence, or continuation.
  4. Spotting Opening and Closing Sentences: The opening sentence typically introduces the topic, while the closing sentence wraps up the discussion or offers a concluding remark.

Types of Logical Connections in Parajumbles

  1. Introductory Statements: These often introduce the topic, concept, or subject of the paragraph. Such sentences usually stand alone and make a broad or general statement.
  2. Supporting Statements: These sentences provide additional information, examples, or evidence related to the topic introduced in the first sentence.
  3. Sequence and Chronology: Look for events or actions that follow a logical order. Words like “first,” “then,” “after,” “finally” can indicate chronological order.
  4. Contrast or Comparison: Sentences that introduce contrasting ideas often use words like “however,” “but,” or “on the other hand.”
  5. Cause and Effect: Cause-and-effect relationships are indicated by words such as “because,” “therefore,” “thus,” and “as a result.”

Strategies for Solving Parajumbles

  1. Identify the Opening Sentence:
    • The first sentence is typically independent, introducing the subject or main idea without relying on prior information. It usually doesn’t have pronouns like “he,” “she,” “they,” “this,” or “it” without clarification, as these suggest prior context.
  2. Find Links Between Sentences:
    • Look for sentences that seem to refer to each other. A sentence ending with a point may link to one that elaborates on it.
    • Pronouns like “he,” “she,” “it,” “this,” or “these” generally point to sentences that should come before them.
  3. Identify Transition Words:
    • Transition words, such as “however,” “moreover,” “also,” “but,” and “yet,” signal relationships and can guide sentence placement.
    • For instance, “however” often indicates that the preceding sentence expressed a contrasting idea.
  4. Locate the Closing Sentence:
    • The concluding sentence often summarizes or provides a final thought, sometimes referring to future implications or actions. It rarely introduces new ideas.
  5. Use a Process of Elimination:
    • By identifying sentences that are likely to be in the middle or linked to others, you can narrow down the possible sequence for each sentence.

Examples with Solutions

Example 1


  1. C: Researchers are working on developing treatments for these newly emerging illnesses.
  2. A: Many new diseases have emerged in recent years.
  3. D: They are also studying how to prevent these diseases from spreading.
  4. B: Understanding their causes is crucial for effective treatment.


  • Step 1: Identify the introductory sentence.
    • Sentence A introduces the topic of new diseases, making it a strong candidate for the opening sentence.
  • Step 2: Look for logical connections.
    • C follows A as it directly talks about researchers developing treatments for these diseases.
    • D builds upon C, continuing the theme of studying ways to prevent disease spread.
    • B concludes logically as understanding the causes is essential, wrapping up the discussion.

Correct Order: A – C – D – B

Example 2


  1. A: This phenomenon has caught the attention of several environmental scientists.
  2. B: Global warming is causing a rise in sea levels worldwide.
  3. D: The effects on coastal regions are becoming increasingly evident.
  4. C: Many attribute this change to human activities.


  • Step 1: Identify the introductory sentence.
    • Sentence B introduces the general topic, global warming, making it the likely opening sentence.
  • Step 2: Find connections.
    • Sentence C logically follows B, as “many attribute this change” refers to the change discussed in B.
    • Sentence A builds upon C by mentioning the scientists studying the phenomenon.
    • Sentence D concludes by mentioning the effects of this change on coastal regions.

Correct Order: B – C – A – D

Example 3


  1. D: This step is essential for preventing disease spread in communities.
  2. B: Vaccination has been one of the most successful public health interventions.
  3. C: By vaccinating, people help protect not only themselves but also others.
  4. A: Vaccination works by preparing the body’s immune system to fight pathogens.


  • Step 1: Find the introductory sentence.
    • Sentence B, which mentions the importance of vaccination, makes a good opening.
  • Step 2: Find supporting and sequential sentences.
    • A explains how vaccination works, so it logically follows B.
    • C builds upon A, explaining the social benefit of vaccination.
    • D, emphasizing the necessity of vaccination, wraps up the paragraph effectively.

Correct Order: B – A – C – D

Practice Questions

  1. Sentences:
    • A: Social media can also create harmful effects on self-esteem and mental health.
    • B: Many people enjoy connecting with friends and family on social media.
    • C: It has become a widespread tool for communication.
    • D: However, there are concerns about its impact on young users.
    Answer: C – B – D – A
  2. Sentences:
    • A: This protein structure discovery is groundbreaking for medical research.
    • B: It may pave the way for new treatments for diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
    • C: Scientists have recently mapped the structure of a protein that influences memory.
    • D: Understanding this protein’s function could have significant implications.
    Answer: C – A – D – B
  3. Sentences:
    • A: These changes will impact everyone, regardless of their role or industry.
    • B: Automation is changing the nature of work across the globe.
    • C: Many jobs are transforming, while others are being eliminated.
    • D: Adaptation to this new world is necessary for future success.
    Answer: B – C – A – D

Tips for Students

  1. Practice Regularly: Parajumble questions become easier with practice as you become better at identifying clues and sentence flow.
  2. Focus on Structure: Pay attention to how paragraphs are generally structured—introduction, body (supporting points), and conclusion.
  3. Learn Transition Words: Familiarize yourself with transition and connector words, as they are often good indicators of sequence.
  4. Read Actively: Improving general reading comprehension will enhance your ability to see logical connections in sentences.

With regular practice and by applying these strategies, students can improve their accuracy and speed in solving Parajumbles, which will enhance their overall performance in the verbal ability section of placement exams.

Refer more Parajumble questions here:

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