Placement Preparation : CV, Interviews and Aptitude

Stepping into Your Final Year: It’s Crunch Time!

Here comes the final year! Feels like just yesterday when you were a fresher, right? Now, here you are in your final year, and it’s time to get serious about what comes next. It’s not just about finishing up your last year at college; it’s also about figuring out your career path. Getting a job through your college’s placement process is a huge opportunity. It’s like a shortcut to starting your career. But here’s the deal: you need to prepare well. It’s not just about getting any job; it’s about getting a good one that sets you up for the future. Going through this process is also a great way to learn more about yourself and what you really want in life.

Your First Job: More Than Just a Paycheck

Landing your first job is a big deal. It’s your first step into the “real world” where you get to apply all you’ve learned. But it’s also more than that. It’s about earning your own money, maybe for the first time ever. Think about that feeling when you spend money you’ve earned yourself – it’s pretty awesome. Plus, working in your first job teaches you a lot – about the work, sure, but also about yourself.

Get Ready, Get Set: Placement Prep Time!

So, as you gear up for this big phase, we’re here to help you get ready. From acing those aptitude tests to polishing up your interview skills, we’ve got your back. Let’s make this year count and get you set up for a fantastic start to your career. Welcome to your go-to spot for all things placement prep. Let’s get you ready for success!

CV Preparation for Placements

1. Yes, it is boring!

Writing down your CV might not be the most exciting task, but it’s a crucial step in your job search journey. A well-crafted CV can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed and moving on to the next stage of the hiring process. It’s your opportunity to make a strong first impression, showcasing your skills, experiences, and achievements in a way that aligns with the role you’re aspiring to secure. So, while it may seem tedious, investing time and effort into your CV is investing in your professional future, opening doors to interviews and opportunities.

2. Start with basics

Create a LinkedIn & Naukri profile

Creating a LinkedIn profile is a crucial step in establishing your professional online presence. To maximize the impact of your profile, it’s essential to ensure that it is 100% complete, covering all necessary details about your professional journey and achievements. A professional profile picture is also vital, as it provides a visual first impression to your network. Once your profile is set up and polished, take the next step to connect with your business network. This includes friends, professors, former and current managers, and industry colleagues. Engaging with these connections can provide valuable opportunities and insights into your field. Also create your profile on major recruitment portals like Naukri, cutshort etc.

Create a professional email id

Creating a professional email address is an important step in establishing your professional identity. An email ID like “[email protected]” doesn’t convey professionalism and can detract from your credibility. Instead, your email address should ideally include your name, making it straightforward and easily recognizable. This helps in ensuring that your contacts remember you and your email stands out as professional and serious, especially in the context of job applications or business correspondences.

Get a professional photo clicked

To maintain a professional image across various platforms, it’s important to get a professional photograph taken, one that reflects your industry’s standards and your personal brand. This photo should feature you in appropriate professional attire, conveying seriousness and respect for your field. This photo can be used on multiple online and offline forms, ensuring consistency in how you present yourself professionally.

Scan all past certificates/ documents and keep soft files handy

scanning all your past certificates and documents to create soft copies is crucial. Keeping these files handy ensures you can quickly access and share them when needed, whether for job applications, professional verifications, or updating your portfolio. This organized approach saves time and helps in maintaining an efficient and professional demeanour.

3. Important Components of CV

Education: Detail your educational background starting with your most recent degree. Include any relevant certificates from online or offline courses, as these demonstrate continuous learning and a commitment to your field.

Skills: List the skills you genuinely possess and are relevant to the job you are applying for

Awards/Extra-curricular Activities: Use this section to stand out from the crowd. Mention any awards, hobbies, or extracurricular activities like running a cloud kitchen, engaging in social service, or teaching, which can showcase your diverse talents.

Contact Information: Clearly state your name, phone number, location, email address, and LinkedIn profile. This ensures potential employers can easily reach out to you.

Objective: Highlight what makes you unique and how you can contribute to the organization.

Experience & Projects: Include all relevant internships, part-time jobs, and major projects, especially those that provide practical experience related to your field. This demonstrates your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.

4. Be Creative

Many people have thought beyond the traditional CV formats and landed their dream jobs. While you might be constrained by formats dictated by your college or the employer, you still can play within the format to differentiate your CV. Read following articles to inspire yourself

5. Tailor your CV for different kind of jobs

Following are 2 versions of the same CV. First is for Infosys (service company, huge MNC) and second one is for Zomato (product company, start-up). Notice the subtle differences between the positioning of the same experience for these two jobs.


Objective: Aspiring to utilize my strong foundation in in Python and JavaScript to large-scale projects with a focus on delivering high-quality, efficient software solutions within a structured development environment

Internship Experience: Intern at TechInnovate: Contributed to a cross-functional team to enhance a software feature, focusing on code optimization and maintaining high-quality standards under tight deadlines

B.Tech Project: Developed “EatRight”, a nutrition tracker app. Emphasized systematic testing and validation to ensure reliability and performance, showcasing attention to detail and commitment to delivering quality software.


Objective: Eager to apply my proficiency in Python and JavaScript to impactful product development at Zomato by leveraging rapid prototyping skills and user-centric design experience

Internship Experience: Intern at TechInnovate: Played a key role in developing a feature enhancement for an existing product, emphasizing quick iteration and user feedback integration to improve product-market fit

B.Tech Project: Developed “EatRight”, a nutrition tracker app. Focused on integrating user feedback to refine the app, demonstrating responsiveness to user needs and iterative development.

6. Additional Points to Keep in Mind

Do Not Stuff Less Trivial Points

Including too many minor or irrelevant details can dilute the overall impact of your document. Focus on achievements and experiences that directly align with the role you’re applying for. Prioritize quality over quantity; ensure that every point adds value and strengthens your candidacy.

Don’t Force 2 Pages

The key is to be concise and relevant. If you can present your most compelling information clearly and succinctly on one page, especially early in your career, do so. Overextending to fill two pages with fluff can be counterproductive and dilute the impact of your more significant accomplishments.

Spell/Grammar Check is a Must

Spelling or grammatical errors can give an impression of carelessness and may suggest poor communication skills. Use spell check tools and review your CV carefully to ensure it’s free of errors. A well-polished CV reflects professionalism and a serious attitude toward your job application.

Take a Printout and Proof-read

Sometimes, viewing a document on paper can help you catch errors or awkward phrasing that you might miss on a screen. Take the time to print out your CV and review it line by line. This can also help you get a sense of the layout and overall presentation from a new perspective.

Share It with Peers, Seniors, and Professionals

Getting feedback from others can provide invaluable insights. Peers might catch errors you’ve overlooked, seniors can offer wisdom from their experiences, and professionals in your field can provide industry-specific advice. However, it’s important to filter this feedback, as opinions can vary widely.

Keywords Matter in AI Screening World

Many organizations use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen CVs before they ever reach a human reviewer. These systems often scan for specific keywords related to the job description. Make sure your CV includes relevant keywords and phrases that align with the job you’re applying for. However, avoid keyword stuffing; your CV should still read naturally and be clearly tailored to your personal experience and achievements.

Use Action Words

Starting your sentences with action verbs can make your CV more dynamic and engaging. These words convey a sense of initiative and effectiveness, which are qualities employers look for in potential candidates. For example, instead of saying “Responsible for managing a team,” you could say “Managed a team of X individuals, leading to a Y% increase in productivity.” Action words like “developed,” “led,” “engineered,” “innovated,” or “optimized” can make your contributions stand out more vividly.

Quantify Your Achievements

Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments with numbers, percentages, or tangible outcomes. This approach provides concrete evidence of your capabilities and the impact of your work. For instance, instead of saying “Improved sales,” specify “Increased sales by 20% over six months.” Quantifying achievements offers a clear measure of your effectiveness and demonstrates your ability to deliver results.

If you need feedback on your CV, you can simply share your CV through this link: and we will be happy to help you with some improvement points. Service is completely free to help placement preparing students.

Placement Interview Preparation

1. Know Your CV

Your CV is a personal reflection of your professional journey and should accurately depict your experiences, skills, and accomplishments. It’s essential to know every detail you’ve included, as this enables you to confidently discuss your qualifications during interviews. Be prepared to answer indirect questions that probe deeper into the experiences listed on your CV, and never include information you’re not fully familiar with. Think of your CV as your professional narrative; it should tell the coherent story of your career path, underscoring how each role and skill has prepared you for the opportunities you’re now pursuing. Being thoroughly acquainted with your CV and ensuring it authentically represents you will not only boost your confidence but also enhance your credibility in the eyes of potential employers.

2. Prepare for common Questions

Tell me about yourself
  • This is most likely your first Q in the interview
  • Just touch upon everything related professionally: school, hometown, graduation, internship, project, hobbies, etc
  • This is your chance to differentiate yourself: “My father was in transferable job, so I have become more receptive to changes over time”
Strength and Weaknesses? Why should we hire you?
  • Whatever you say, back it up with examples
  • Companies will generally have some qualities listed for the role or as their values. If you can relate to that, nothing like it.
  • I am sincere and hardworking, I have 100% attendance in college
  • I am good with practical applications, I have scored A+ in all workshops
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your goals?
  • Understand company’s career path and accordingly answer it
  • It’s good to show ambitious plan but not vague or unrealistic
  • Also don’t talk about your goals post quitting the job. This question always means: If you stay 5 years with us, where do you see your self in the company?
  • I want to lead development team for our most important client 5 years down the line
Why do you want to work here?
  • Research about the company and accordingly answer it
  • You have to appreciate them! 😀
  • You are the largest manufacturer of automobile parts globally and it will be a pleasure to be part of this legacy
  • What if they are not the largest/ most profitable/ most valued company? Then, you still need to appreciate. No one hates compliments
  • Well, you are the most respected and innovative IT company in India
Do you have any question for us?
  • Most likely the last Q for the interview
  • Answer should reflect your passion for joining
  • How does my career progression in the company look like?
  • How is Accenture preparing for AI revolution?

3. Body Language Matters!

  • Reach on Time: Arriving on time for your interview not only shows respect for the interviewer’s time but also helps you remain calm and composed
  • Be Presentable: Dressing appropriately and maintaining good grooming standards reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. When you know you look good, it naturally boosts your confidence, positively influencing your posture and body language.
  • Smile and Be Confident: A genuine smile can set a positive tone for the interaction. It makes you appear approachable and enthusiastic about the opportunity. Confidence can be conveyed through a firm handshake, steady eye contact, and an upright posture.
  • Keep Your Arms Open: Avoid crossing your arms as it can be perceived as defensive or closed off. Keeping your arms open and at your sides suggests that you are open, engaged, and receptive to the conversation.
  • Be Polite and Respectful: Use polite language, listen attentively, and nod to show understanding. Respectful interactions demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively and work well with others.
  • Maintain Good Eye Contact: Making appropriate eye contact shows confidence and interest in the conversation. However, be mindful not to stare, as that can be uncomfortable. Balancing eye contact with natural breaks looks more genuine.
  • Mind Your Posture: Sit up straight but not rigidly; a relaxed yet upright posture conveys confidence and attentiveness. Slouching or leaning back too much can appear disinterested or too casual.
  • Use Hand Gestures Sparingly: Hand gestures can be powerful in emphasizing points, but overdoing them can be distracting. Use them judiciously to enhance your communication.
  • Monitor Your Facial Expressions: Ensure that your facial expressions are congruent with what you’re discussing. Avoid frowning or looking disinterested when the conversation is serious or engaging.

4. Research Enough!

  • Company Website: Start with the company’s official website. Pay close attention to the “About Us” section to understand the company’s mission, values, history, and culture. The “Products” or “Services” sections provide insight into the company’s core offerings, while “Press Releases” or “News” sections can inform you about recent developments, achievements, or challenges.
  • Social Media and Blogs: Check the company’s presence on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Social media can offer a more current and less formal view of the company’s culture and priorities. Blogs or articles written by employees or leadership can provide deeper insights into the company’s industry position and values.
  • Industry Analysis: Understanding the industry context in which the company operates can be incredibly beneficial. Look at industry reports, news articles, and market trends to see where the company stands among its competitors and any industry-specific challenges or opportunities it faces.
  • Interviewer Research: If you know who will be interviewing you, look them up on LinkedIn or other professional platforms. Understanding their role in the company, their background, and any shared connections or interests can help you build rapport and tailor your communication style.
  • Online Reviews and Forums: Websites like Glassdoor can offer insights into the company’s culture, interview processes, and what current and former employees think about working there. However, take these reviews with a grain of caution, as they can be biased.
  • Network Insights: If you have connections who work or have worked at the company, reach out to them for insider knowledge. They can provide valuable information that you might not find through public sources.

5. Additional points to keep in mind

Attend Company Presentations and Pay Attention

Many companies hold pre-interview presentations to introduce themselves to potential candidates. Attending these sessions is crucial as they provide valuable insights into the company’s culture, values, and expectations. Paying close attention during these presentations can equip you with specific information that can be used to tailor your responses in the interview, demonstrating your genuine interest and initiative.

Attend Mock Interviews

Participating in mock interviews is an excellent way to prepare for the real thing. They provide you with opportunity to to practice answering questions, receive feedback, and improve your communication and presentation skills. Mock interviews can also help alleviate anxiety, making you more comfortable and confident during actual interviews.

Practice Mocks in Your Head

Beyond formal mock interviews, mentally rehearsing interview scenarios can also be beneficial. Visualize yourself answering questions confidently, dealing with difficult questions gracefully, and managing your body language effectively. This mental practice can enhance your readiness and poise.

Differentiate Yourself

In a competitive job market, it’s crucial to stand out from other candidates. Think about what unique skills, experiences, or perspectives you bring to the table. Prepare to articulate these differentiators clearly and compellingly during your interview, ensuring they align with what the company values and seeks in a candidate.

Brush Up Your Basics: Technical

Review core concepts, recent developments in your field, and any relevant tools or technologies. Being able to discuss technical subjects fluently demonstrates your expertise and commitment to your profession.

Interview is a selection process, not elimination

It means that if an interviewer is impressed with your skills, personality, and how you fit within the company’s culture, they are inclined to hire you. Conversely, it’s not merely about filling a quota; even if there’s a shortage of candidates, you won’t be selected unless you genuinely resonate with the interviewer and align with the company’s needs and values.

6. List of Interview Questions fresher job aspirant must prepare for

Placement Aptitude Tests

Placement aptitude tests are a pivotal first step in the recruitment process, whether it’s conducted on-campus or off-campus. These tests serve as a critical filtering criterion employed by most companies. The rationale behind this approach is twofold.

Firstly, aptitude tests help companies shortlist candidates who meet a certain benchmark of intellectual and problem-solving capabilities. These tests are designed to gauge a candidate’s IQ and aptitude, offering a standardized metric to assess potential employees’ abilities in a fair and unbiased manner.

Secondly, given the overwhelming number of applications that companies receive, especially when candidates lack professional experience, aptitude tests provide a means to identify the ‘crème de la crème.’ With resumes often showing little differentiation at the entry-level, aptitude tests become a necessary tool to distinguish among candidates based on their analytical and critical thinking skills.

Beyond Coding: The Neglected World of Aptitude Preparation

Despite the importance of these tests, it’s observed that many students disproportionately focus on coding and data structures and algorithms (DSA), underestimating the significance of aptitude preparation. Some students postpone aptitude preparation until the last moment, mistakenly believing it to be a secondary concern or assuming they can easily surpass this hurdle without rigorous practice. However, this oversight can be a critical misstep.

Aptitude tests, while primarily serving as a filtering mechanism, are crucial stages you cannot afford to overlook. Preparing diligently for these tests can set you apart from your peers. Remember, the math involved might be at a high school level, but the speed and accuracy required are far from elementary. Regular practice is essential to dust off the cobwebs and regain your mathematical agility, ensuring you’re not just competent but competitive.

As we delve into the specifics of aptitude test preparation, remember that it’s not merely about crossing a threshold but excelling. In a highly competitive environment, every edge counts, and your preparation could very well be the differentiator that lands you your dream job.

The Extended Value of Aptitude Preparation

Placement aptitude preparation does more than just pave the way for successful campus placements; it equips you with versatile problem-solving and analytical skills applicable to a wide array of competitive exams. Whether you aim to crack the CAT for MBA, enter public service through UPSC, secure a position in the banking sector, or excel in technical exams like GATE and PSU tests, the foundational skills honed through aptitude preparation are invaluable. This broader applicability underscores the significance of aptitude training, making it a strategic asset for diverse academic and career aspirations beyond placements.


Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

  1. Number Systems
  2. Algebra
  3. Geometry
  4. Mensuration
  5. Percentages
  6. Profit and Loss
  7. Time and Work
  8. Ratio and Proportion
  9. Permutation and Combination
  10. Probability
  11. Time, Speed, and Distance

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (LRDI):

  1. Logical Sequences and Series
  2. Arrangements and Puzzles
  3. Blood Relations
  4. Syllogisms
  5. Coding-Decoding
  6. Direction Sense Test
  7. Data Sufficiency
  8. Graphs and Charts (Bar, Line, Pie, etc.)
  9. Tables and Caselets

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC):

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Grammar (Tenses, Articles, Prepositions, etc.)
  3. Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms, Contextual Usage)
  4. Sentence Correction/Improvement
  5. Para Jumbles
  6. Critical Reasoning
  7. Para Completion
  8. Fact-Inference-Judgment

While there may be variations in the syllabus and difficulty levels of placement aptitude tests across different companies and sectors, comprehensive preparation ensures you are well-equipped to handle any uncertainties. Familiarizing yourself with a broad range of topics and practicing various types of questions can significantly enhance your adaptability during the actual tests. More importantly, diligent preparation cultivates a systematic thinking process, enabling you to approach each question with a problem-solving mindset. This not only prepares you for the diverse challenges of placement aptitude tests but also instills a versatile skill set beneficial for future learning and career opportunities.

How to Prepare?

Step 1: Go through the syllabus once

Quantitative Aptitude (QA):

When preparing for the Quantitative Aptitude section, avoid the temptation to immediately start solving problems. First, systematically build your understanding of each topic’s foundational concepts. There are lot of videos available on YouTube helping with the same. You can pick the one that suits your style. Few famous links are given below but don;t shy away from doing a simple YouTube search

If you prefer reading, textbooks by authors like Arun Sharma, R.S. Aggarwal, or even NCERT books are excellent for brushing up on the basics.

Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (LRDI):

The aforementioned YouTube resources are equally beneficial for mastering the LRDI section. Generally, this section might not pose extreme difficulties, but what’s crucial is enhancing your speed and efficiency in interpreting data and solving problems. Regular practice with timed exercises can significantly improve your speed, helping you navigate through questions more swiftly during the actual exam. By consistently engaging with a variety of puzzles and data sets, you can develop a quicker understanding and a more agile approach to tackling the challenges presented in the LRDI section.

Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC):

To excel in the VARC section, cultivating a consistent reading habit is key. Dedicate at least one hour daily to reading a variety of materials, whether it’s books, magazines, or newspapers. Starting with topics that interest you can help establish this habit without it feeling like a chore. As you get comfortable, gradually introduce a broader range of subjects to challenge and expand your comprehension and analytical skills. This practice will not only enhance your reading speed and retention but also improve your understanding of different writing styles and vocabularies, providing a solid foundation to excel in the VARC section.

Step 2: Practice

Once you’ve established a strong foundational understanding through YouTube videos and reference books, transitioning to practice is crucial. This is where LearnTheta comes in as an invaluable resource. On LearnTheta, you can apply what you’ve learned by tackling a wide range of questions specifically designed to test and enhance your aptitude. The platform offers an extensive selection of problems that mirror the variety and style you’ll encounter in placement exams, enabling you to refine your techniques and speed. With LearnTheta’s structured practice environment, you receive immediate feedback, allowing you to identify and work on your weak areas promptly. By consistently practicing on LearnTheta, you can solidify your quantitative skills, making you well-prepared for any placement aptitude test.

Step 3: Previous year papers

Final step is to go through previous year papers for different companies. You can refer following free resources for the same:

Group Discussion (GDs)

Group discussions (GDs) are an additional screening tool used by some companies to assess a candidate’s communication skills and cultural fit. Common in management and some tech roles, GDs reveal a candidate’s ability to engage in teamwork, make quick decisions, and handle pressure. They also offer insights into how candidates express ideas and interact with peers, helping employers evaluate if their values align with the company’s culture.

How to Prepare

To excel in GDs, practice with your friends or peers by forming a study group. Utilize AI tools like ChatGPT or Bard to generate random topics for a diverse practice experience. Record these practice sessions in video format to self-review and identify areas for improvement. Since communication is all about practice, you will start seeing the improvements in few sessions itself.

Tips to handle GDs better

  • Be Informed: Stay updated on current affairs, industry trends, and general knowledge. Being well-informed allows you to contribute valuable insights to the discussion.
  • Listen Carefully: Active listening is key. It helps you understand others’ viewpoints and respond or build upon their ideas effectively.
  • Articulate Clearly: Clarity of thought and expression is crucial. Present your ideas coherently and concisely to make an impact.
  • Respect Others: Acknowledge and respect differing viewpoints. The ability to engage in a respectful manner is highly valued.
  • Show Leadership: Demonstrate leadership by guiding the discussion constructively, summarizing points, and keeping the conversation on track.
  • Stay Relevant: Ensure your contributions are relevant to the topic. Straying off-topic can detract from your credibility.

Psychometric Tests

Psychometric tests have been mandated by few companies as a screening round, aiming to gauge a candidate’s personality traits, values, and cognitive abilities. These tests are designed to assess how well an individual’s characteristics align with the company’s culture and the demands of the role they’re applying for.

Tips to handle psychometric tests

  1. Understand the Test Format before attempting: Familiarize yourself with the types of questions and the format of the psychometric test before you start the test. Knowing what to expect can significantly reduce test anxiety and improve performance.
  2. Read Instructions Carefully: Each section of the psychometric test may have different instructions. Read them carefully to ensure that you understand what is expected before you begin answering.
  3. Be Consistent: Your answers should be consistent throughout the test. Psychometric assessments often include checks for reliability, aiming to identify any discrepancies in your responses. Consistency underscores the authenticity of your personality profile.
  4. Manage Your Time: Psychometric tests often include a large number of questions within a limited timeframe, encouraging instinctive responses. Efficient time management is key—ensure you pace yourself to respond to all questions without haste but with considered speed.
  5. Highlighting Favorable Traits: In scenarios where the psychometric test prompts you to choose between traits such as being hardworking, passionate, or a team player, opt for these positive attributes when alternatives are not compelling. Even if you identify more with being relaxed or laid-back in your personal life, it’s strategic to align your responses with qualities like discipline during the test, particularly when the context strongly suggests these are the more favorable options.
Additional Blogs for your Reading

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