How to prepare for the Railway exam?

One of the many sought-for examinations in our country is the railway examination. Innumerable aspirants aim to crack this examination and get a respectful and valuable position of livelihood and status. Cracking the railway examinations requires optimum and strategic preparation. So, the following discussion will be about how one can ideally prepare for the Railway exam. Here are some of the tips for preparing for the Railways Examination. 

Be aware of the selection stage: First, know about the stages of the examination. There are four stages of the selection process for the Railways. The first and second stage is CBT or the Computer Based Test. The third stage is the Computer Based Aptitude Typing Test, which is applicable for specific posts. And the last stage is the round of Document Verification for the selected candidates. The first two rounds are common for all the posts. It contains questions from General Awareness, General Intelligence, Mathematics and Reasoning. 

Knowing about the question paper pattern: The Stage-I CBT of the RRB NTPC comprises 100 questions, among which 40 are from the General Awareness portion and 30 each from the General Reasoning and Mathematics portion. Each question carries one mark and ⅓ negative marking for the incorrect answers. The time given for the Stage-I CBT of the RRB NTPC is 90 minutes. 

Stage-II CBT of the RRB NTPC consists of 120 questions, out of which 50 are from the General Awareness portion, and 35 questions are from the General Intelligence and Mathematics part. The total marks of the paper are 120, with each question one mark and ⅓ negative marking for the incorrect answers. The time duration here, too, is 90 minutes. 

Look through the exam pattern and syllabus: You must download the syllabus and maintain the pattern for the Railways examination. You can readily refer to the RRB NTPC syllabus that the Testbook released. The syllabus for the stage I and II CBT of RRB NTPC are similar for all three disciplines. So, being well aware of the entire syllabus will not be a problem. 

Make use of good reference books: Successful candidates are the ones who learn, understand and have a clear knowledge of the concepts. And that is possible when you have access to good reference books. Also, ensure that you leave some time for reviewing the newly learnt topics from the syllabus.

Preparation for General Awareness: General Awareness is a crucial part of the examination. Thus, you must be a master in this portion. Refer to good books on General Intelligence and Reasoning by Arihant and McGraw Hill publications to have the best grip on the concepts. 

Preparation for Mathematics: Mathematics is another important portion of the examination. You must practise mathematics every day. The more you practise, the more acquainted you become with numbers. 

Revise: Revision is equivalent to having experience. And the more you revise your syllabus, the better you remember for the examination. Schedule time in your preparation which you will deviate only for revision. 

Solve mock tests: Take mock tests of full length. They will help you get an idea about the nature of the questions and the pattern of the question paper. You will also be able to manage the time they appear more optimally and strategies accordingly for your examination. 

Practice papers of the previous years: This also helps you get an idea about the pattern and nature of questions. So, it enables you to prepare optimally for the examination. 

The difficulty of cracking the railway examination is not much. It is similar to other group D examinations, and the syllabus is formulated on the basis of the 10th standard studies. Here, you must ensure that you are specific about which post in the Railways you are aiming at and prepare for that post and examination of railways accordingly.

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